Tendinte Toamna-Iarna cu Tidestore
Buna, fetelor!
Desi nu imi plac mie anotimpurile racoroase, trebuie totusi sa recunosc ca ma dau in vant dupa cumparaturi in aceasta perioada. Ador sa imi cumpar jachete, haini, paltoane, ghete si botine. Mi-as cumpara cu sutele daca mi-ar permite bugetul. :D
Hi, girls!
Although I do not like the cold seasons, I must admit that I love shopping during this period. I love to buy jackets, overcoats, and boots. I'd buy them all if my budget was bigger. :D
In plus, tendintele de anul acesta sunt unele purtabile asa ca le putem integra usor in tinutele noastre.
In articolul de astazi o sa incerc sa va arat cateva dintre tendintele pe care ni le aduc marii designeri si hainele pe care le-as cumpara eu de la Tidestore.com pentru a-mi satisface aceste dorinte. :)
In addition, this year's trends are so wearable so we can integrate them easily in our outfits.
In today's article I'll try to show you some of the great designer's trends and the clothes I'd buy from Tidestore.com to satisfy these desires. :)
La Tidestore intotdeauna am si categoria de free shipping (http://www.tidestore.com/Korean-Clothing-Free-Shipping) asa ca daca nu vreau sa platesc nimic extra, gasesc o gramada de hainute care se rotesc frecvent in aceasta categorie.
At Tidestore we have the free shipping category so if you I do not want to pay anything more, I find a lot of clothes that rotate frequently in this category.
Detaliile florale sunt la mare cautare si designeri precum Dolce&Gabbana, Dries Van Noten si Rochas ni le aduc pe marile podiumuri:
Floral details are very wanted and designers such as Dolce Gabbana &, Rochas and Dries Van Noten have these clothes on the fashion shows:
Eu as prelua detaliile florale dar le-as face mai discrete si le-as folosi in cadrul unei broderii. Nu sunt adepta imprimeurilor exagerate, desi nu neg ca le mai port din cand in cand. Dar pentru a-mi fi mai usor sa port detalii florale toamna, as alege o astfel de rochie:
I would take the flower details but make it discreet and use in an embroidery. I'm not a fan of excessive prints, though not deny that I wear them from time to time. But for me to be easier to wear floral details in autumn, I would choose such a dress:
Printurile geometrice sunt si ele la fel de prezente pe podiumurile marilor case de moda. Asa ca daca vrem ceva mai iesit din comun, putem alege haine cu astfel de imprimeuri:
Geometric prints are equally present on the runways of major fashion houses. So if you want something more out of the ordinary, you can choose clothes with such prints:
La Tidestore am gasit un costum tare simpatic, cu un imprimeu vesel, in note geometrice. As putea folosi sacoul si separat pentru a schimba total o tinuta monotona compusa dintr-o camasa alba si o fusta neagra cu talie inalta:
At Tidestore I've found an outfit with a cheery print, in geometrical notes. I could use the jacket separately to totally change a fade look consists of a white shirt and a black skirt with high waist:
Culoarea Toamnei mai mult ca sigur va fi Orange-ul. Am avut in trecut o perioada Portocalie. Tot ce imi cumparam avea aceasta culoare, intr-o mai mica sau mai mare masura. De atunci insa nu am mai prea purtat portocaliu dar poate ca in toamna aceasta ar fi cazul.
Orange-ul pe podium arata foarte bine:
The colour of autumn more than likely will be Orange. In the past I had an Orange period. Everything I bought had this color, in a lesser or greater extent. Since then I have never worn Orange but maybe in this fall would be the time.
Orange on the catwalk looks great:
Am aruncat o privire si la Tidestore si am gasit o multime de hainute superbe portocalii. Dar chiar si o pereche de sandale:
I searched at Tidestore and I found plenty of gorgeous Orange clothes. Even a pair of sandals:
Animal print este greu de purtat si de combinat dar se afla printre tendintele acestui sezon si ar fi indicat ca macar cateva elemente sa introducem si in tinutele noastre. Eu, personal, nu as putea purta o haine in intregime Animal print, mai ales daca este si mai voluminoasa:
Animal print is hard to wear and combined but is among the trends of this season and we have to have at least some elements to bring in our outfits. I, personally, would not be able to wear a full Animal print clothing, especially if it is voluminous:
Dar in schimb as purta asa ceva:
But instead I would wear something like this:
Costumasele sunt si ele un must al sezonului, mai ales daca au culori si imprimeuri mai extravagante, asa cum veti gasi intotdeauna in prezentarile de moda:
Costumes are a must of the season, especially if they have more extravagant colours and prints, as you will always find in fashion shows:
Dar pentru ca imi place sa adaptez tendintele pentru gusturile mele, eu am optat pentru deux-pieces mai simple, mai de bun gust:
But because I like to adapt trends for my tastes, I have opted for this simple suits:
Imprimeurile geometrice, mai ales in ceea ce priveste gentile, m-au acaparat chiar si pe mine in mod surprinzator. Imi plac atat alegerile marilor designeri, cat si modelele mai simple, pe care le-am gasit pe Tidestore.
I like geometric prints, especially on bags. I like both choices of designers, as well as simpler models, which I found on Tidestore.
Ultima tendinta despre care vreau sa va vorbesc este prezenta blanitei ca si detaliu in cadrul diverselor piese vestimentare sau chiar incaltaminte.
Imi place blana, dar cu limita, asa cum veti observa si din alegerile mele. :)
Latest trend about which I want to talk is the fur wear like detail within various pieces of clothing or even shoes.
I love the fur, but with a limit, as you will see from my choices. :)
Mai sunt o multime de alte noi aparitii in tendintele sezonului actual, dar deja ne-am lungit foarte mult si risc sa devin plictisitoare. :D
There are plenty of other new trends of the current season, but already I've talked too much and risk to become boring. :D
Dar ca sa ne mai destindem un pic, vreau sa va mai arat doua piese pe care le-am descoperit in categoria de corsete (http://www.tidestore.com/Wholesale-Sexy-Corsets-100496/) , o categorie tare promitatoare:
But as dream a bit, I'll show you two pieces that I have discoverd in the category of corsets, a very promising category:
Cum vi se par alegerile mele? Dar tendintele actuale? Pe care le-ati integra in tinutele voastre si pe care nu le-ati purta niciodata?
How do you find my choices? But current trends? Witch one would you integrate in your outfits and witch one you would never wear?
*** Informatiile si imaginile cu tendintele actuale sunt luate de pe One.ro si Glamourmagazine.ro
The information and images about the current trends are taken from One.ro and Glamourmagazine.ro
Desi nu imi plac mie anotimpurile racoroase, trebuie totusi sa recunosc ca ma dau in vant dupa cumparaturi in aceasta perioada. Ador sa imi cumpar jachete, haini, paltoane, ghete si botine. Mi-as cumpara cu sutele daca mi-ar permite bugetul. :D
Hi, girls!
Although I do not like the cold seasons, I must admit that I love shopping during this period. I love to buy jackets, overcoats, and boots. I'd buy them all if my budget was bigger. :D
In plus, tendintele de anul acesta sunt unele purtabile asa ca le putem integra usor in tinutele noastre.
In articolul de astazi o sa incerc sa va arat cateva dintre tendintele pe care ni le aduc marii designeri si hainele pe care le-as cumpara eu de la Tidestore.com pentru a-mi satisface aceste dorinte. :)
In addition, this year's trends are so wearable so we can integrate them easily in our outfits.
In today's article I'll try to show you some of the great designer's trends and the clothes I'd buy from Tidestore.com to satisfy these desires. :)
La Tidestore intotdeauna am si categoria de free shipping (http://www.tidestore.com/Korean-Clothing-Free-Shipping) asa ca daca nu vreau sa platesc nimic extra, gasesc o gramada de hainute care se rotesc frecvent in aceasta categorie.
At Tidestore we have the free shipping category so if you I do not want to pay anything more, I find a lot of clothes that rotate frequently in this category.
Detaliile florale sunt la mare cautare si designeri precum Dolce&Gabbana, Dries Van Noten si Rochas ni le aduc pe marile podiumuri:
Floral details are very wanted and designers such as Dolce Gabbana &, Rochas and Dries Van Noten have these clothes on the fashion shows:
Eu as prelua detaliile florale dar le-as face mai discrete si le-as folosi in cadrul unei broderii. Nu sunt adepta imprimeurilor exagerate, desi nu neg ca le mai port din cand in cand. Dar pentru a-mi fi mai usor sa port detalii florale toamna, as alege o astfel de rochie:
I would take the flower details but make it discreet and use in an embroidery. I'm not a fan of excessive prints, though not deny that I wear them from time to time. But for me to be easier to wear floral details in autumn, I would choose such a dress:
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Geometric prints are equally present on the runways of major fashion houses. So if you want something more out of the ordinary, you can choose clothes with such prints:
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Alexander Wang, Valentino, Peter Pilotto |
At Tidestore I've found an outfit with a cheery print, in geometrical notes. I could use the jacket separately to totally change a fade look consists of a white shirt and a black skirt with high waist:
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Orange-ul pe podium arata foarte bine:
The colour of autumn more than likely will be Orange. In the past I had an Orange period. Everything I bought had this color, in a lesser or greater extent. Since then I have never worn Orange but maybe in this fall would be the time.
Orange on the catwalk looks great:
Am aruncat o privire si la Tidestore si am gasit o multime de hainute superbe portocalii. Dar chiar si o pereche de sandale:
I searched at Tidestore and I found plenty of gorgeous Orange clothes. Even a pair of sandals:
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Animal print is hard to wear and combined but is among the trends of this season and we have to have at least some elements to bring in our outfits. I, personally, would not be able to wear a full Animal print clothing, especially if it is voluminous:
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Gucci, Balmain, Celine |
But instead I would wear something like this:
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Costumes are a must of the season, especially if they have more extravagant colours and prints, as you will always find in fashion shows:
Dar pentru ca imi place sa adaptez tendintele pentru gusturile mele, eu am optat pentru deux-pieces mai simple, mai de bun gust:
But because I like to adapt trends for my tastes, I have opted for this simple suits:
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I like geometric prints, especially on bags. I like both choices of designers, as well as simpler models, which I found on Tidestore.
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Derek Lamb, Kenzo, Louis Vuitton |
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Imi place blana, dar cu limita, asa cum veti observa si din alegerile mele. :)
Latest trend about which I want to talk is the fur wear like detail within various pieces of clothing or even shoes.
I love the fur, but with a limit, as you will see from my choices. :)
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Fendi, Celine, Paul & Joe, Celine, BCBG Max Azria |
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Mai sunt o multime de alte noi aparitii in tendintele sezonului actual, dar deja ne-am lungit foarte mult si risc sa devin plictisitoare. :D
There are plenty of other new trends of the current season, but already I've talked too much and risk to become boring. :D
Dar ca sa ne mai destindem un pic, vreau sa va mai arat doua piese pe care le-am descoperit in categoria de corsete (http://www.tidestore.com/Wholesale-Sexy-Corsets-100496/) , o categorie tare promitatoare:
But as dream a bit, I'll show you two pieces that I have discoverd in the category of corsets, a very promising category:
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How do you find my choices? But current trends? Witch one would you integrate in your outfits and witch one you would never wear?
*** Informatiile si imaginile cu tendintele actuale sunt luate de pe One.ro si Glamourmagazine.ro
The information and images about the current trends are taken from One.ro and Glamourmagazine.ro
pfff...vreau si eu corsete! tendintele nu-s prea pe gustul meu, d-aia nici nu le urmez, ci tot ce-mi place mie port. cu portocaliul nu ma inteleg neam, animal print nici atat... in schimb, imi plac mult deux-pieces-urile pe care le-ai ales tu
RăspundețiȘtergerenici eu nu sunt mare amatoare de noi tendinte dar incerc sa adaptez stilului meu ceea ce imi place. Cred ca ti-ai dat seama din alegerile pe care le-am facut. :D
Ștergerema bucur tare mult ca iti plac costumasele pe care le-am ales. :)
Felicitări pentru modul în care ai construit această postare! ♥
RăspundețiȘtergereCât despre tendinţe, nu obişnuiesc să port corsete, în rest, toate-mi sunt pe plac, cu moderaţie ♥
Pupici, Diana!
iti multumesc tare mult. imi doream de mult sa fac ceva asemnator. :)
Ștergerenici eu nu prea port corsete dar acelea doua chiar mi-au atras atentia. :D
ma bucur ca iti plac. :)
Love your selection :)
RăspundețiȘtergereCheck out my new post Here!!!
I am glad to hear that. :)
animaaaaal print, my fav <3 ai gusturi bune :D
RăspundețiȘtergerema bucur tare mult ca iti plac alegerile mele. :0
Animal print si trendul floral tara doar si poate !
ma bucur ca iti plac aceste trenduri. :)
pe mine m-ai pierdut pe la partea cu portocaliu :)).
RăspundețiȘtergerepai special pentru tine am ales sa vorbesc si despre portocaliu :D:D
avai, ce genti! <3 sunt disperata dupa genti, pe toate le-as lua :))