Homecoming Dresses?

Buna fetelor!
Hello girls!

Am revenit in forta (zic eu) dupa o lunga perioada de examene care parea sa nu se mai termine. Am avut parte chiar si de 3 zile de relaxare completa despre care sper sa va spun mai multe intr-o postare separata.
Dar astazi as vrea sa vorbim un pic despre rochiile de bal.
Stiu ca majoritatea elevilor au avut deja parte de petrecerea de sfarsit de an, dar oricum rochiile nu sunt destinate numai acelei petreceri, asa ca vreau sa va arat cateva modele care mie mi-au atras atentia.
I am back after a long period of exams that seemed to never end. I had even three days full of relaxation which I will say more in a separate post.
But today I want to talk a little about homecoming dresses.
I know that the majority of students already had the end of year party, but anyway, the dresses are suited for other parties as well, so I want to show you some patterns that I love.

In acest prim colaj am ales culori mai puternice. Mi se par niste rochii perfecte pentru o petrecere de sfarsit de an, dar nu numai. Sunt de parere ca pentru o astfel de petrecere, unde dansul este principala activitate, rochiile trebuie sa fie scurte si lejere pentru ca intr-o rochie foarte mulata sau lunga, este mai dificil sa te desfasori.
Si ar fi urat sa nu te poti distra din cauza rochiei.
In this first collage I chose stronger colors. Some dresses seem perfect for an end of year party, but not only. I think that for such a party, where music is the primary activity, the dresses should be short and lax because in a very fitting or long dress, it is more difficult to perform.
And it would be bad you can not have fun because of the dress.

Pentru al doilea colaj am ales culori deschise, care sunt la fel de potrivite pentru aceeasi petrecere. Am mers pe acelasi model, de rochie scurta si lejera.
Preferatele mele sunt cea albastra din primul colaj si prima din al doilea colaj. Au aproximativ acelasi model. Sunt finute si delicate dar ofera in acelasi timp si o mare libertate de miscare si nu ne limiteaza atunci cand vrem sa dansam.
For the second collage I chose bright colors, which are equally suitable for the same party. I went on the same model, short and easy dress.
My Favorites are the blue dress from the first collage and first dress in the second collage. Have approximately the same pattern. They are refined and delicate but at the same time offers a great freedom of movement and we did not have to limit ourselves when we want to dance.

Preferata voastra care este?
Which one is your favorite?


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