Rochite pentru fetite
Nu stiu daca v-am mai spus, dar imi plac foarte mult copiii. Am 2 verisori gemeni, de 3 anisori, care imi sunt foarte dragi. Abia astept sa ii vad de fiecare data cand ajung pe la curte. Sunt atat de scumpi si as sta cu ei o zi intreaga. Miruna si Cristi, pentru ca astea sunt numele lor, sunt cele doua febleti ale mele.. :)
I don't know if I ever told you, but I like children very much. I have 2 cousins, twins, 3 years old, and I love them. I can't wait to see them every time I get there. They are so pretty and I would stay with them a whole day. Miruna and Christian, because those are their names, are two of my loves. :)
Mi-as dori si eu o fetita cu ochi mari si parul cret.. :) pe care sa o aranjez de fiecare data cand iesim pe undeva. Am vazut hainute pentru copii in toate magazinele.. si par atat de micute. Parca ar fi pentru papusi.
Imi aduc aminte cand ii ceream mamei materiale pentru a putea crea hainute pentru papusile mele. :)
I would like a little girl with big eyes and curly hair. :) to dress nicely every time we go out somewhere. I saw clothes for children in all stores.. and they seem so tiny. It would be like for the dolls.
I remember when I asked my mom to give me some fabrics so I can create clothes for my dolls. :)
Dar, revenind la fetite, am gasit cateva rochite pentru ele, absolut superbe. Atat de micute si gingase, parca ar fi create pentru printese in miniatura.
Dar sa va arat si voua despre ce vorbesc:
But, going back to the girls, I found some flower girl dresses, absolutely superb. So tiny and delicate, like it would be created for miniature princesses.
But let me show what I am talking about:
Pentru primul colaj am ales rochite albe, pentru ca buburuzele sa mearga la prima impartasanie sau sa poarte cosuletul cu flori la o nunta. Fetitele arata minunat in rochite albe pentru ca ele sunt atat de pure si de nevinovate, precum niste porumbei si aceasta culoare este perfecta pentru ele.
For the first collage I chose white dresses, so that the little girls go to their first communion or carry the flower basket on a wedding. They look great in white dresses because they are so pure and innocent, like some doves and this color is perfect for them.
Pentru al doilea colaj am ales rochite mai colorate, pentru alte evenimente. Fetitele vor fi ca niste mici fluturasi, vesele si colorate.
Modelele sunt foarte frumoase si sunt exact asa cum imi plac, cu volum in partea de jos. Pentru ca fetitele sa nu se simta stingherite si sa poata zburda de colo-colo.
For the second collage I chose more colorful dresses for other events. Girls will be like small bright and colorful butterflies.
The models are very beautiful and are exactly as I like it, with volume at the bottom. Because girls do not feel awkward and can romp all over the place.
La ultimul eveniment la care am fost, fetita unor prieteni a alergat toata noaptea prin restaurant.. :)) asa ca avea nevoie de o astfel de rochita, pentru a nu o incomoda.
At the last event, some friends' little girl ran all night through the restaurant. :)) so she needed such a dress, not an inconvenience.
Voi ce fel de rochite preferati pentru micutele domnisoare?
What kind of flower girl dress do you prefer for the little princesses?
I don't know if I ever told you, but I like children very much. I have 2 cousins, twins, 3 years old, and I love them. I can't wait to see them every time I get there. They are so pretty and I would stay with them a whole day. Miruna and Christian, because those are their names, are two of my loves. :)
Mi-as dori si eu o fetita cu ochi mari si parul cret.. :) pe care sa o aranjez de fiecare data cand iesim pe undeva. Am vazut hainute pentru copii in toate magazinele.. si par atat de micute. Parca ar fi pentru papusi.
Imi aduc aminte cand ii ceream mamei materiale pentru a putea crea hainute pentru papusile mele. :)
I would like a little girl with big eyes and curly hair. :) to dress nicely every time we go out somewhere. I saw clothes for children in all stores.. and they seem so tiny. It would be like for the dolls.
I remember when I asked my mom to give me some fabrics so I can create clothes for my dolls. :)
Dar, revenind la fetite, am gasit cateva rochite pentru ele, absolut superbe. Atat de micute si gingase, parca ar fi create pentru printese in miniatura.
Dar sa va arat si voua despre ce vorbesc:
But, going back to the girls, I found some flower girl dresses, absolutely superb. So tiny and delicate, like it would be created for miniature princesses.
But let me show what I am talking about:
Pentru primul colaj am ales rochite albe, pentru ca buburuzele sa mearga la prima impartasanie sau sa poarte cosuletul cu flori la o nunta. Fetitele arata minunat in rochite albe pentru ca ele sunt atat de pure si de nevinovate, precum niste porumbei si aceasta culoare este perfecta pentru ele.
For the first collage I chose white dresses, so that the little girls go to their first communion or carry the flower basket on a wedding. They look great in white dresses because they are so pure and innocent, like some doves and this color is perfect for them.
Pentru al doilea colaj am ales rochite mai colorate, pentru alte evenimente. Fetitele vor fi ca niste mici fluturasi, vesele si colorate.
Modelele sunt foarte frumoase si sunt exact asa cum imi plac, cu volum in partea de jos. Pentru ca fetitele sa nu se simta stingherite si sa poata zburda de colo-colo.
For the second collage I chose more colorful dresses for other events. Girls will be like small bright and colorful butterflies.
The models are very beautiful and are exactly as I like it, with volume at the bottom. Because girls do not feel awkward and can romp all over the place.
La ultimul eveniment la care am fost, fetita unor prieteni a alergat toata noaptea prin restaurant.. :)) asa ca avea nevoie de o astfel de rochita, pentru a nu o incomoda.
At the last event, some friends' little girl ran all night through the restaurant. :)) so she needed such a dress, not an inconvenience.
Voi ce fel de rochite preferati pentru micutele domnisoare?
What kind of flower girl dress do you prefer for the little princesses?
sunt tare dragute cele colorate.
RăspundețiȘtergereobserv deseori ca parintii isi imbraca fetitele ca pe babe, pe bune.
ma bucur ca iti plac
Ștergeream observat si eu treaba asta.. si am vazut bebici imbracati in haine foarte mohorate.. kaki, maro si alte d-astea..
mie imi plac hainutele colorate.. mai ales pentru cei mici. .:)